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Click the person's name to read their Obituary
(Note: Some earlier Obituaries are linked to the CCCBR Biographies listing and
will be updated when original Obituaries are found)
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Name | Date of Death |
Debbie C Parfrey | 22nd October 2022 |
Jenny Astridge | 15th April 2019 |
Bette Parfrey | 24th June 2016 |
David George Yeo | 2nd May 2016 |
Eric Lee | 26th November 2014 |
Richard Frederick Bowditch | 31st March 2014 |
Leonard Austin England | 27th July 2013 |
Jessica Vale | 5th March 2013 |
Margaret Astridge | 21st December 2012 |
Jeremy Dugdale | 16th January 2012 |
Lloyd McCreadie | 26th September 2011 |
Anne Stenning | 18th July 2011 |
Christopher J Stillman | 24th February 2011 |
John L Aldridge | 6th January 2011 |
Norman Yeo | 13th November 2010 |
John Brain | 11th November 2010 |
Gilbert Davis | 25th July 2010 |
Revd Roger O Fry | 8th May 2010 |
Alexander Strachan (Tim) Watt | 20th March 2010 |
George W Massey | 14th February 2010 |
Carol Hardwick | 11th September 2009 |
Malcolm Butcher | 9th July 2009 |
Walter Champion | 6th June 2009 |
Tony Rogers | 30th April 2009 |
Arthur Gould | 7th January 2009 |
Clifford Kortright | 23rd September 2008 |
Peter J Leigh | 8th August 2008 |
Peter Hardwick | 4th August 2008 |
Roy E Taylor | 19th June 2008 |
Tom Phillips | 9th June 2008 |
Audrey Short | 11th March 2008 |
David John Buckley | 18th April 2005 |
John S Walton | 21st April 1994 |
Percy Yeo | 27th January 1976 |
Norah Gladys Williams | 29th March 1974 |
Sidney George Coles | 30th May 1967 |
Joseph Thomas Dyke | 6th October 1965 |
Henry William Brown | 25th January 1958 |
George Yeo | 2nd March 1956 |
Albert Edward Coles | 19th July 1946 |
Joseph Maddock | 12th July 1942 |
Edgar Ernest Burgess | 6th April 1933 |
Rev Preb Claude Campbell Parker | 18th December 1930 |