The Bath & Wells Diocesan Association of Change Ringers

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Mailing Lists

There are two general mailing lists and various 'closed' group email lists for Officers' use only.

Officers can access details here.

The two general mailing lists are as follows:

Announcement list
The Announcement list is designed to be an information medium for the benefit of Association members and visiting ringers.

All notices and announcements which an subscribed Association member makes to the list are sent to all subscribed members, who can reply directly to the poster if they wish.

It is hoped that all ringers in the Association (and others who are interested in the Association's affairs) who have internet access will join the Announcement list.
The purpose of the list is:
To post items of news about the Association, a Branch or a Tower;
To publish announcements regarding meetings, practices, special events etc.;
To notify any permanent or temporary change in regular practice night arrangements or Sunday ringing times;
To notify changes in Officers, Tower contacts, Secretaries etc., and any changes in their contact details.
Subscribed Association members can post to the Announcement list at

Subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the Announce list.

Discussion list
A Discussion list also exists to enable members to discuss any topic regarding the Association, a Branch or a Tower.
Items specifically not allowed:
Any matters not relating to ringing;
Matters relating to computer systems and their operation;
Notification of and matters relating to computer viruses;
Any other matter, or discussion thread, which the List Maintainer, at his discretion, decides should not be continued.
Subject to the above and compliance with the Data Protection Act this list will remain largely unmoderated, unless it becomes abused.

Subscribed members can post to the Discussion list at

Subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the Discuss list.

To check the current status of your subscription please enter your email address below and press the 'Submit' button