The Bath & Wells Diocesan Association of Change Ringers

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Chew Branch Summary

There are currently no Announcements for the Chew Branch.

If you are a member of the Chew Branch and would like to see a Branch activity advertised here please ask one of your Branch Officers to contact the .
Links to your own prepared web pages can also be made here. Please contact the for further information.

Chew Branch events can be viewed here and are included in the main What's On database.
If any amendments, corrections or additions are required to this list please contact the Branch or the .

There is no current edition of the Chew Branch Newsletter available but earlier editions can be viewed here.

This Branch does not have a facebook page

Details of the Chew Branch Officers and how to contact them are here.

There are 37 towers in the Chew Branch of which 2 are unringable.
Please click here for the full listing.

25 Chew Branch towers hold practices and there are practices on every day of the week.
Please click here for the full listing.

Branch Practices are also held periodically and details of these can be found here.