[B&W Announce] South West 12 Bell Competition

Tim Payne tim at payneplus.co.uk
Thu Sep 12 22:24:56 BST 2019

It is confirmed there will be 8 teams competing for the Higby Trophy on Saturday 12th October at South Petherton, these are: Truro, WImborne, Cirencester, Bristol (St Stephens and Redcliffe), Exeter, an invited band from Llandaff & Monmouth and, flying the flag for Somerset, Chilcompton.
The judges are Tom Hinks and Ben Carey, both of whom were involved in judging the National 12 Bell competition earlier this year.
The draw will be at 11.00 am, with ringing commencing at 11.30.
Refreshments will be available throughout the day, keep an eye on the website for more information: http://southwest12bell.org.uk/index.html

Can you help on the day?
Vacancies still exist for anyone who could spare a couple of hours to help, please contact me for more information: tim at payneplus.co.uk 

If you would like to know more, let me know.

Tim Payne
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